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Q: I just completed my order, what's next?A: Before shipment, we quarantine all fish for at least 24-48 hours. During this period, we closely monitor the fish to make sure they are healthy. We also do not feed them during this time in order to 'clean out' their digestive system... Q: I just completed my order, what's next?A: Before shipment, we quarantine all fish for at least 24-48 hours. During this period, we closely monitor the fish to make sure they are healthy. We also do not feed them during this time in order to 'clean out' their digestive system...
Hello everyone, welcome to Vegas Valley Cichlids! My name is Fred Aspengren, and I am the founder of Vegas Valley Cichlids, a place where both the hobbyist and enthusiast can find high quality home bred African Cichlids for a very low price! I have been in the hobby since 2013,... Hello everyone, welcome to Vegas Valley Cichlids! My name is Fred Aspengren, and I am the founder of Vegas Valley Cichlids, a place where both the hobbyist and enthusiast can find high quality home bred African Cichlids for a very low price! I have been in the hobby since 2013,...
This is some simple but important advice for Lake Malawi cichlid beginners. If this is your first freshwater tropical fish tank setup and you have had a chance to study up on the information I have provided through this site and you have reached the point of wanting to start... This is some simple but important advice for Lake Malawi cichlid beginners. If this is your first freshwater tropical fish tank setup and you have had a chance to study up on the information I have provided through this site and you have reached the point of wanting to start...