Buy Aulonocara and Malawi at Vegas Valley Cichlids








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Endemic to Lake Malawi. It is fairly widespread throughout the lake.
It is found in relatively shallow water around the shoreline, though it can also be seen in deeper (it has been recorded at depths of over 100m) water. These areas usually have soft substrates of mud or sand and are often thickly vegetated with beds of Vallisneria.
Maximum Standard Length
10″ (25cm).
Aquarium Size
48″ x 18″ x 15″ (120cm x 45cm x 37.5cm) – 200 litres.

Set up the aquarium with piles of rocks arranged to form caves, large areas of open water for swimming and preferably a sandy substrate. Planting with Vallisneria in dense patches would simulate the natural habitat of this species. There should be no strong current in the tank.
Water Conditions
Temperature: 75-82°F (24-28°C)
pH: 7.6-8.8
Hardness: 10-25°H

It is an exclusive piscivore in nature but there is no need to feed live fish in aquaria, as it accepts dead foods readily. Feed a meaty diet of prawns, lancefish, whitebait etc. Do not feed animal meat of any kind.

Behavior and Compatibility
Predatory but is generally peaceful with species too big to be considered food (it will eat smaller mbuna and young fish). Suitable tankmates include Frontosa, Dimidiochromis compressiceps, larger mbuna and other large Rift Lake species. It is a loner in nature and therefore should be kept as a solitary specimen in the aquarium or if breeding is to be attempted, as a harem with several females and a single male.

Sexual Dimorphism
Males tend to grow larger and exhibit slightly gaudier colouration than females, showing some blue pigmentation on the body. This blue intensifies greatly when the male is inbreeding colours.

Not easy. Polygamous maternal mouthbrooder. The breeding aquarium should be at least 48″ in length and furnished as suggested above, with the addition of some large, flat rocks to provide potential spawning sites and areas of planting with Vallisneria. A pH of 8.0-8.5 and a temperature between 77-81°F are ideal. A breeding group of one male and 3-6 females is recommended and these should be kept alone and conditioned on a high quality, meat-based diet. Adult fish can be hard to find so you may have to start with a group of 6-8 juvenile fish and grow them on.
When ready to spawn, the male takes on an intense blue coloration and will choose a spawning site, either on a flat rock surface or by digging a depression in the substrate. Spawning occurs in a similar fashion to many other cichlids, with the female laying a line of eggs before moving away, allowing the male to take her place and fertilize them. She then returns to the site, picking up the fertilized eggs in her mouth, before laying another batch.
She will carry the brood of up to 100 eggs for around 3 weeks before releasing the free swimming fry. She will not eat during this period and can be easily spotted by her distended mouth and brooding coloration of dark patterning. Females are notorious for spitting out the brood early when stressed, so extreme care must be taken if you decide to move the fish. It is also worth noting that if a female is away from the colony for too long she may lose her position in the pecking order of the group. We recommend waiting as long as possible before moving a female unless she is being harassed. Some breeders artificially strip the fry from the mother’s mouth at the 2 week stage and raise them from that point as this usually results in a larger number of fry.
The fry are large enough to accept brine shrimp nauplii from the day they are released.

Not a fish for the general Malawi cichlid community, N. livingstonii is an ambush predator in nature, often being seen hanging motionless around rocky structures, in Vallisneria thickets or on the floor of the lake. It is a sedentary species and does not move around a lot. This is a behavioral adaptation known as thanatosis, or ‘playing dead’. This strategy is usually used as for defensive means in other animals but in N. livingstonii is adapted for offensive means. The fish has a mottled color pattern and this, combined with the aforementioned ability to lie motionless on the substrate, makes the fish appear dead to unsuspecting prey. When a smaller fish attempts to investigate the ‘corpse’ it receives a nasty surprise! Native people have named this fish “Kaligono“, which loosely translates as “sleeper” in tribute to this behaviour. N. livingstonii is the only member of the genus to be found in both shallow and deeper water.

Endemic to Lake Malawi. It is fairly widespread throughout the lake.
It is found in relatively shallow water around the shoreline, though it can also be seen in deeper (it has been recorded at depths of over 100m) water. These areas usually have soft substrates of mud or sand and are often thickly vegetated with beds of Vallisneria.
Maximum Standard Length
10″ (25cm).
Aquarium Size
48″ x 18″ x 15″ (120cm x 45cm x 37.5cm) – 200 litres.

Set up the aquarium with piles of rocks arranged to form caves, large areas of open water for swimming and preferably a sandy substrate. Planting with Vallisneria in dense patches would simulate the natural habitat of this species. There should be no strong current in the tank.
Water Conditions
Temperature: 75-82°F (24-28°C)
pH: 7.6-8.8
Hardness: 10-25°H

It is an exclusive piscivore in nature but there is no need to feed live fish in aquaria, as it accepts dead foods readily. Feed a meaty diet of prawns, lancefish, whitebait etc. Do not feed animal meat of any kind.

Behavior and Compatibility
Predatory but is generally peaceful with species too big to be considered food (it will eat smaller mbuna and young fish). Suitable tankmates include Frontosa, Dimidiochromis compressiceps, larger mbuna and other large Rift Lake species. It is a loner in nature and therefore should be kept as a solitary specimen in the aquarium or if breeding is to be attempted, as a harem with several females and a single male.

Sexual Dimorphism
Males tend to grow larger and exhibit slightly gaudier colouration than females, showing some blue pigmentation on the body. This blue intensifies greatly when the male is inbreeding colours.

Not easy. Polygamous maternal mouthbrooder. The breeding aquarium should be at least 48″ in length and furnished as suggested above, with the addition of some large, flat rocks to provide potential spawning sites and areas of planting with Vallisneria. A pH of 8.0-8.5 and a temperature between 77-81°F are ideal. A breeding group of one male and 3-6 females is recommended and these should be kept alone and conditioned on a high quality, meat-based diet. Adult fish can be hard to find so you may have to start with a group of 6-8 juvenile fish and grow them on.
When ready to spawn, the male takes on an intense blue coloration and will choose a spawning site, either on a flat rock surface or by digging a depression in the substrate. Spawning occurs in a similar fashion to many other cichlids, with the female laying a line of eggs before moving away, allowing the male to take her place and fertilize them. She then returns to the site, picking up the fertilized eggs in her mouth, before laying another batch.
She will carry the brood of up to 100 eggs for around 3 weeks before releasing the free swimming fry. She will not eat during this period and can be easily spotted by her distended mouth and brooding coloration of dark patterning. Females are notorious for spitting out the brood early when stressed, so extreme care must be taken if you decide to move the fish. It is also worth noting that if a female is away from the colony for too long she may lose her position in the pecking order of the group. We recommend waiting as long as possible before moving a female unless she is being harassed. Some breeders artificially strip the fry from the mother’s mouth at the 2 week stage and raise them from that point as this usually results in a larger number of fry.
The fry are large enough to accept brine shrimp nauplii from the day they are released.

Not a fish for the general Malawi cichlid community, N. livingstonii is an ambush predator in nature, often being seen hanging motionless around rocky structures, in Vallisneria thickets or on the floor of the lake. It is a sedentary species and does not move around a lot. This is a behavioral adaptation known as thanatosis, or ‘playing dead’. This strategy is usually used as for defensive means in other animals but in N. livingstonii is adapted for offensive means. The fish has a mottled color pattern and this, combined with the aforementioned ability to lie motionless on the substrate, makes the fish appear dead to unsuspecting prey. When a smaller fish attempts to investigate the ‘corpse’ it receives a nasty surprise! Native people have named this fish “Kaligono“, which loosely translates as “sleeper” in tribute to this behaviour. N. livingstonii is the only member of the genus to be found in both shallow and deeper water.

Q: I just completed my order, what's next?
A: Before shipment, we quarantine all fish for at least 24-48 hours. During this period, we closely monitor the fish to make sure they are healthy. We also do not feed them during this time in order to 'clean out' their digestive system and limit their ability to soil the water.  This helps reduce the amount of waste in the bag and will keep the water clean.

Q: When can I expect my order to be ship?
A: Please see Chart below (No Shipping on Holiday)

Order Placed on:

Ship Date:

Arrival Date: UPS Overnight

Arrival Date: Southwest





























Southwest: Depending on your location some cities have limited amount of flights per day. I will normally communicate this with you via email or text the arrival date and arrival time.

Note:  If the arrival date above don’t work for you please let me know on the note section upon check out on when you prefer to receive the package.

Q: Who delivers my order and how much?
A: UPS Next Day Air:
     For a low flat rate of $55 any where in the US with any size box.          

For any order over $200 or order containing mostly large 4+ Males,
    we recommend Southwest Air Cargo for flat rate of $65.

Q: I just completed my order, what's next?
A: Before shipment, we quarantine all fish for at least 24-48 hours. During this period, we closely monitor the fish to make sure they are healthy. We also do not feed them during this time in order to 'clean out' their digestive system and limit their ability to soil the water.  This helps reduce the amount of waste in the bag and will keep the water clean.

Q: When can I expect my order to be ship?
A: Please see Chart below (No Shipping on Holiday)

Order Placed on:

Ship Date:

Arrival Date: UPS Overnight

Arrival Date: Southwest





























Southwest: Depending on your location some cities have limited amount of flights per day. I will normally communicate this with you via email or text the arrival date and arrival time.

Note:  If the arrival date above don’t work for you please let me know on the note section upon check out on when you prefer to receive the package.

Q: Who delivers my order and how much?
A: UPS Next Day Air:
     For a low flat rate of $55 any where in the US with any size box.          

For any order over $200 or order containing mostly large 4+ Males,
    we recommend Southwest Air Cargo for flat rate of $65.

Q: Some or all of my fish arrived dead - what do I do?
A: We offer a Live Arrival Guarantee service for four hours after door delivery. In the event that a fish arrives dead in the shipping bag, you must take clear digital pictures of the fish in an unopened bag and email it to within four hours of receiving your package. Live Arrival Guarantee is voided after the bags have been opened. will also refund (Not Store Credit) on any DOA'S that involve carrier mishandling, which includes delays (Less than 48 hours), damaged boxes or water temperature extremes. DOA's must be reported the day of arrival and be accompanied by an emailed photo to ensure refund.

    25% DOA
    We will refund 25% of shipping and the price of the DOA fish. 

   50% DOA
We will refund 50% of shipping the and price of the DOA fish.

   75% DOA
   We will refund 100% of shipping and 100% of all the fish.
   You keep the fishes that made it for FREE.


Q: Some or all of my fish arrived dead - what do I do?
A: We offer a Live Arrival Guarantee service for four hours after door delivery. In the event that a fish arrives dead in the shipping bag, you must take clear digital pictures of the fish in an unopened bag and email it to within four hours of receiving your package. Live Arrival Guarantee is voided after the bags have been opened. will also refund (Not Store Credit) on any DOA'S that involve carrier mishandling, which includes delays (Less than 48 hours), damaged boxes or water temperature extremes. DOA's must be reported the day of arrival and be accompanied by an emailed photo to ensure refund.

    25% DOA
    We will refund 25% of shipping and the price of the DOA fish. 

   50% DOA
We will refund 50% of shipping the and price of the DOA fish.

   75% DOA
   We will refund 100% of shipping and 100% of all the fish.
   You keep the fishes that made it for FREE.


Nimbochromis Livingstonii Nimbochromis Livingstonii

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